My Interview Video

My Interview Video


The video above is a video I made as a Junior at Lincoln Lutheran in my Video Editing class. For the video, the class was tasked with interviewing someone. I decided to interview my brother Jackson for my video because I knew that it would be easy to find a time to talk with him and because it I knew it wouldn’t be too hard to find a topic. I also chose to interview him because he still owes me for helping him with the videos he had to make last year for his college classes.

I am proudest of the two angles I used to film the interview. I used my phone for shots in the front and Jackson’s camera for the side angle. I knew before filming and editing the video that having two cameras would be nice, but I didn’t know how important it could be. My brother didn’t stumble on his words too much, but it was really useful to have another camera to switch to when he did. This help me avoid using jump cuts which could be a little jarring depending on how much the frames changed.

I think that the most challenging part of the video editing. Not because it was very difficult, but it was challenging because I had around 30 minutes of footage to edit. As a result, I ended up cutting out a few questions just because I didn’t want my video to be too long and I didn’t have enough time to fully edit some of my brothers’ answers.

If I could do this video over again I would first change up my questions a little bit. I would try to focus on one topic instead of going from school, to where me brother lives, and then to my brothers’ work. The video lost a little bit of flow going from topic to topic. I would also try to get actual beginning and ending shots. I completely forgot about them until I started to edit so my video starts and ends very abruptly. Lastly, I would get a lot more footage of cutaway. Using cutaway could have helped the video not get so predictable because I would have another angle to add into the video instead of the original two.

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